Women's Retreats Colorado
Welcome to the Awakening Women's Retreat in Colorado
As a woman you may feel there is always something or someone to take care of. We find ourselves busy beyond the number of hours in the day, so taking time away may feel like an impossible task. We encourage you to consider that it might be exactly what you need! If you are feeling exhausted, burned out, distant from God, and in need of restoration, join the many other women who have decided to make their own growth a priority this year. Come away with us and be cared for in mind, body, and spirit, and return ready to re-engage with renewed strength, greater purpose, and a stronger sense of who God created you to be. If you resonate with any of this, consider attending our next women's retreat in Colorado!
Explore the Awakening Women's Retreat in Colorado
Awakening Women’s Retreat is a life-giving, 4 day, transformational retreat, designed to awaken women in mind, body, and spirit, leaving them firmly rooted in Christ and powerfully equipped to step into their purpose. This women's retreat in Colorado is unlike any retreat you have attended before. Journey with us through eleven strategic talks spaced throughout the weekend, that build upon each other in an order that encourages healing on multiple levels.
Spiritually, go through an awareness and aligning process. It is so easy to veer slightly off course in our attitudes towards God without even realizing it. This aspect of the retreat will reconnect you with the abundant life God has intended for you.
Emotionally, revive your heart. This component of the retreat will focus on the the ways your heart has been wounded through the years and will gently guide you to healing and wholeness. Our goal is for you to realize you are not alone, eliminating shame and hiding, while embracing dignity.
Mentally, throw off the lies you have embraced about yourself and replace them with God's truth, restoring your God-given identity. Throughout the weekend together you can expect plenty of time and space to personally connect with God, addressing and casting off these lies, allowing you to stand in who God created to be.
Physically, transformation will be deepened through Praise in Motion, a guided, Christ-centered, movement ministry. Unlike most other women's retreats, we connect the content of the retreat with symbolic physical movement to embody our transformation in Christ.
Founders/Speakers of the Awakening Women's Retreat in Colorado

Alia Fisher, LPC
With her greatest passions being Christian ministry and spiritual formation, Alia has been actively designing and leading transformational women’s retreats in Colorado since 2013. Alia has a master's in counseling and is a licensed professional counselor in private practice. In addition, she completed Level three healing prayer training from Christian Healing Ministries, Level 1 SOZO training, and is Master certified in Splankna. She greatly enjoys bringing her spiritual training into helping both clients and members of the Church. Alia is also co-founder of Praise in Motion, a Christian movement ministry founded in 2011, that allows women to experience freedom and healing within their bodies while connecting with God. She leads weekly classes and helps train new leaders. Mother of four busy children and married, in her free time she loves slipping away into the quiet outdoors or doing difficult puzzles.

Kristy Peatrowsky
Kristy has been highly engaged in ministry since 2005. She worked as a Women's and Children's pastor for many years and has organized large outreach events, retreats, and fundraisers for a variety of different organizations and ministries. She has a degree in Human Development and Family Studies and is a master level certified Splankna practitioner and runs a Splankna practice out of her home. She is a mother of four children and is happily married to her husband Eric, who is also in ministry. She is passionate about seeing people grow deeply in their relationship with Jesus Christ and is thrilled to be operating in her calling running retreats and working in healing ministries. It is her passion to continue to seek ways to help people grow in their faith and find healing. Along with her work in ministry, she runs a family business, teaches art classes, she is writing a book and blogs, and gives several hours a week to her children's school, her church and her community volunteering. ​
Testimonies of the Awakening Women's Retreat in Colorado
Details for the Awakening Women's Retreat in Colorado
Who should come?
This retreat is for women eighteen years and older who are ready to grow in their faith. This is not a retreat that is light, or a traditional "women's retreat, "with a lot of "fluff." This retreat is intended to be transformational.
Should I come alone?
While this retreat can be attended individually, we believe it is greatly enhanced by attending with other close friends or family. However, if your situation is not conducive to bringing others, we have no doubt you will still be highly impacted, and may make life-long friends while you are there. One of the greatest advantages to attending with others is the support and accountability these friends can offer you after you return back home. Check our Events page for special group rates if you decide to bring friends with you.
Where in Colorado are these retreats held?
Most of these retreats will be held in the mountains near Colorado Springs. This retreat center is drivable from either the Colorado Springs Airport or DIA.
How long do these retreats last?
Most of our retreats begin on a Thursday night for a 5:00-6:00pm check-in, and conclude by noon on Sunday. We do occasionally host these retreats from Sunday through Wednesday as well.
How much do these retreats costs?
It depends on when you register and how many people come with you. We offer discounted rates for women who register early or sign up with a group. The cost for the retreat is $499 per woman and includes:
1-All meals from Thursday dinner through Sunday breakfast
2-All lodging Thursday through Sunday
3-Incredible, life changing teaching, ministry, and fellowship to transform you spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically
4-Amazing gift bags
5-A discounted after care session with one of the ministry founders
What kind of facility do we stay in?
The retreats are held in a beautiful retreat center in the mountains of Colorado. You can expect a "Mountaintop Experience" by escaping the busyness and distractions of this world to draw closer to friends, family, and God. The rooms and bathrooms will likely be shared with a few other women. We can make some minor accommodations for dietary needs during your stay.
What will we do when we are there?
The retreat has a variety of activities to maximize growth for every woman. We want to reach you at every level and every personality type. You can expect ample time for quiet reflection, time in your Bible, time with other women, time spent learning from a speaker, time moving your body, being creative, and just relaxing. While our days are full, our goal is to give you time and space to grow the way God designed you.
Can I come late or only attend part of this retreat?
This retreat is a progressive retreat, therefor it builds on itself. We would not recommend you attend this retreat unless you are able to attend it in its entirety.
I have more questions, how can I get a hold of you?
You can contact us at any point with any questions you may have. Please just visit our Contact Page.
I would love to go, but I'm not sure I can afford it. Do you offer any scholarships?
Awakening Ministries donates 10% of all our registrations toward scholarships for women to attend who can not afford it. If you are in need of a scholarship, please check out our scholarship page for more information and a link to fill out an application.
Can I pay for someone else to attend the retreat?
Absolutely! Contact us, and we will figure out the details.
When is the next retreat?
Good question! Please go to our Events page to see the list of upcoming retreats.